OncoGenomX Study Unveils Groundbreaking Insights To Revolutionize Metastatic Breast Cancer Management

A groundbreaking study by OncoGenomX is shedding light on the critical challenges of over-treatment and under-treatment in breast cancer management, paving the way for a new era in patient care and healthcare cost efficiency.

In the realm of cancer treatment, two glaring issues persist: over-treatment and under-treatment. Over-treatment arises from various factors, including physicians' legal concerns, patient anxiety, and the fervor for cutting-edge therapies. Conversely, under-treatment is often rooted in healthcare access disparities and socioeconomic factors.

OncoGenomX has undertaken a pivotal initiative, comparing two algorithms for managing metastatic, hormone receptor-positive breast cancer, aimed at tackling these issues head-on:

The ASCO Algorithm, adhering to ASCO recommendations, has been found to potentially lead to suboptimal treatment for a staggering 56% of patients, corresponding to an expenditure of USD 9.4M a year for 200 patients. In stark contrast, the investigational PredictionStar Algorithm, which individualizes treatments based on precise tumor response predictions, incurs 20% higher expenses (USD 23M), but dramatically reduces the risk of suboptimal treatment from 56% to 15%. The cost increase is offset by threefold savings on suboptimal anticancer drugs.

This groundbreaking study is critical in light of the rising financial burdens associated with cancer care, particularly for patients with metastatic breast cancer and the healthcare system as a whole. OncoGenomX's ongoing research endeavors aim to validate these findings, explore their impact on treatment outcomes and costs, and offer a promising solution to curtail spending on suboptimal treatments while enhancing patient care.

We invite cancer hospitals, research & study groups, companies of the pharma and diagnostics industry, and payers to join us in this vital mission to transform breast cancer management and alleviate the financial burden on patients and healthcare providers. For more information about OncoGenomX and their pioneering research, please contact info@oncogenomx.ch.

About OncoGenomX:

OncoGenomX is a cutting-edge research & startup venture dedicated to advancing personalized cancer treatment strategies, aiming to improve patient outcomes and reduce the financial burden on healthcare systems and patients. Their innovative research and data-driven solutions are poised to revolutionize the field of breast cancer management.

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