A new era for women’s health: New SVB report unveils an optimistic outlook

Women have long faced challenges when it comes to their access and quality of healthcare, due in large part to sex and gender biases and a lack of representation in medical research. This disparity often leads to delayed diagnosis, misdiagnosis or undertreatment. Fortunately, momentum is building to resolve these systemic issues and improve outcomes for women.  

In Silicon Valley Bank’s inaugural report, Innovation in Women's Health 2023, they unveil an optimistic outlook for this undervalued and rapidly growing sector, despite broader VC challenges and obstacles within the space. Venture capital investments in women’s health increased 314% in the past five years, compared to a 28% increase in overall healthcare investments. Plus, 2023 is on track to become the third best funding year for the women’s health sector. 

Read the full report today here.

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