WoW Woman in Femcare | Fiona Bassett, Head of Marketing at TOTM

Interview by Anja Streicher

After the organic revolution in food, fashion, and skincare, is it time for the organic revolution in menstrual and intimate products? TOTM thinks so and we have to agree! TOTM is a brand with a mission to provide more natural and sustainable period care. We talked to Fiona Bassett, their Head of Marketing to find out what it means to be period powerful, how they’re disrupting the industry and what’s the role of social media in educating women on the importance of knowing what they put inside their bodies.


Fiona, what’s the story behind TOTM? How and when did you guys start? 

TOTM started in 2015 as an online subscription company delivering organic cotton period care directly to customers across the UK. As a disruptive online brand, we set out to change the period game with a taboo-breaking brand, online subscription service and sustainable product range of organic cotton tampons, pads, liners and reusable menstrual cups. 

Why did you decide to go organic? Tell us more about Be kinder to your vagina / body movement. 

For years, the period care industry has remained unchallenged and we identified how it was failing to keep up with modern consumers who are growing more conscious of their health and the environment. When the company was starting up, our initial research showed how conventional tampons and pads were using ingredients that were damaging to the environment, such as non-organic cotton and plastic. The vagina is absorbent and needs a balanced pH level to stay healthy. We couldn’t believe that for decades, mainstream brands had been adding things like fragrances, dyes and other unnecessary chemicals that can cause discomfort and irritation The ‘Be Kinder to Your Vagina’ message was trademarked by TOTM as our standout statement. It’s about being aware of what you’re using on your period, but it’s also got the taboo-breaking attitude that’s embedded in the TOTM brand. We believe it’s so important to talk openly about vaginas, periods and all things menstrual wellness to destigmatise these topics. We read labels on our food, on our skincare, but we rarely read the ingredients label on products for our intimate care. I was astonished to find out that mainstream brands are not required to list product ingredients. Why is that so, how can we motivate women to read the labels and to educate them, so they know what they put inside their bodies? Period care products are classified as Medical Grade devices and this is the reason behind the lack of ingredients transparency in the industry. Even if you always consciously check product ingredients on your skincare, make-up etc, it’s not exactly easy to get information on the ingredients inside the pad you’re using on your period for example. The industry does need to be addressed as these are products you’re using in a sensitive part of the body, on a cyclical basis. If you do some research online you can find a list of ingredients for most period care products but if you can’t find it on the box, maybe it’s time to switch up what you’re using. 


What’s the role of social media in this education? Brands today have the power to talk to their customers directly through social media channels. How are you at TOTM using this opportunity? 

Social media and our online community shaped TOTM to become the brand it is today. This direct relationship with our audience has been so important to build a brand that’s different to the brands that came before us. Traditionally period care brands have called the shots. From a young age you’re sold into a specific brand in school and then fed advertising that, in our eyes, contributes to the period stigma we see today. TOTM seeks to be a brand that’s powered by people. Periods unite us and we should celebrate that and talk openly about menstrual wellness. Our platforms, especially Instagram, have allowed us to share educational information, period hacks, real stories and awareness pieces on important topics, such as Endometriosis. This is exactly what is needed in this space as the gaps in awareness and education are just too big. TOTM launched the #PeriodPowerful hashtag at the start of 2018 to bring together all the empowering conversations happening online and now we’re at a stage where our customers lead the discussions through our socials and even front our brand. 


If you had to describe TOTM as a brand in three words, what would those be? 

• Empowering (knowledge is power and we’re all about driving conversations) 

• Community (We’re proud to be born online and led by community)

• Purpose (Our conscious collection of period care is not only kind to the body and environment, it gives back to important causes) 

What does it mean to you to be period powerful? 

We developed our Period Powerful campaign off the back of working closely with the amazing changemakers within our community. Women who have been raising awareness and supporting others, like Saschan Fearon-Josephs, who founded The Womb Room. Working with these women and getting involved in these networks showed us how from the classroom to the workplace, stigma and shame was impacting lives. Being period powerful is therefore about standing for change. It’s about challenging negative attitudes and forming a movement that tackles issues such as menstrual dignity and reproductive health awareness. 

In your opinion, what’s the next big thing for Femcare / Femtech? 

The femcare industry is poised for disruption and it’s encouraging to see new brands driving innovation in this space. I think sustainability is the future as we’re finally addressing the impact period care products are having on the planet. The growth of femtech also demonstrates how technology has a key role to play in this space. Hopefully by driving change and exploring these innovations the next generation will have access to improved menstrual education, a choice of ecological products and improved support for those living with reproductive health conditions.



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This interview was conducted by Anja Streicher, Chief Marketing Officer of Women of Wearables. She is passionate about women's health, supporting women in business and is still trying to figure out how to balance motherhood and business.

Health TechAnja Streicher