WoW Woman in FemTech I Denise Pines, founder of Tea Botanics, WisePause, and The FemAging Project

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A longtime community health advocate and media pioneer, Denise Pines is a trusted resource for women as they pursue midlife wellness.

She’s the founder of Tea Botanics and WisePause, a pro-ageing health and education platform. Her project The FemAging Project provides health and tech industry leaders and investors with research and education that helps drive global innovation focused on the health and wellness needs of women ages 40+.

Denise is also the co-founder of Women in the Room, an award-winning filmmaker producing 11 documentaries including the award-winning film “PUSHOUT: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools”. Her next documentary, “Anthony Face” will air on PBS Winter 2022. She is also the immediate past president of the Medical Board of California and serves on the Martin Luther King Community Hospital Foundation board.

Denise, tell us a bit about your background and your projects so far.

My story began with a hot flash and feeling caught off guard and with little knowledge about what was going on with my body at midlife. And this normal transition at midlife, called menopause lead me to co-create Tea Botanics with hormonal balances teas like Hot Flash Tea and Night Sweat Tea, WisePause Wellness providing women with the best hormone health information from midlife health and wellness experts, The FemAging Project to spur innovation and investment in solutions for women ages 40+ and WisePause App a healthcare solution for perimenopause and menopausal women.

How long did it take you to be where you are now? 

My journey started in 2017 with the creation of Hot Flash Tea.  

What was the biggest obstacle in your entrepreneurial journey?

Getting people to talk about a taboo topic like menopause. 

What are the challenges of being in the industry you are in? 

Investment into women’s solutions is giving significantly less money in the early stages so you’re always operating on fumes and not at the top output.

What are your biggest achievements to date?

Launching The FemAging Fast Pitch Competition with Keirestu Forum, one of the largest investment networks in the world.

What are the projects you are currently working on? 

WisePause Web-based app and Menopause Master Class

Is the #WomenInTech movement important to you and if yes, why? 

Yes, we need more women, including women of color, bringing solutions that we really want to the world. Women have insight that’s different from men. Women will design products that are comfortable and functional, men design for function. I’m looking for someone to create a better mammogram device, if a man had to have his penis mashed on two pieces of glass, he would redesign this machine so why are we redesigning it?

What will be the key trends in your industry in the next five years and where do you see them heading? 

AI providing better use of the data to develop innovation; More investment as male investors get introduced to women’s issues; more innovation, good and bad; more women entering medical school; Doctors using tech more with patients; the oldest Millennial will be 45 in five years and they will be demanding more tech solutions to solve problems.

What is the most important piece of advice you could give to anyone who wants to start a career in this industry? 

Follow the data, demand more data on women and then just do it, don’t listen to naysayers, trust your gut and join support organizations like Women of Wearables.

Who are three inspirational women in your respective industry you admire?  

Dr. Julie Hakim, MD (HealthTech OB/GYN); Christine Jenkins (Investor); Jill Angelo (Gennev).

Find out more about WisePause here.

Get The FemAging 2020 report here.

Find out more about Tea Botanics here and follow them on Facebook.

This interview was conducted by Marija Butkovic, Digital Marketing and PR strategist, founder and CEO of Women of Wearables. She regularly writes and speaks on topics of wearable tech, fashion tech, IoT, entrepreneurship and diversity. Follow Marija on Twitter @MarijaButkovic and read her stories for Forbes here.