WoW Woman in Tech | Alessandra Scicchitano, founder of AURES

Interview by MarijaButkovic


Originally Italian, Alessandra has been living in Zurich Switzerland for the past 13 years. She holds a Computer engineering Master’s Degree and a Ph.D. in Systems and Computer Engineering. After more than 10 years of working on technical projects and traveling the world to talk at different Conferences, Alessandra founded AURES to support the development of a digital world that is more human-centered. Bringing together her innate passion for the human brain and her technical expertise, she followed her belief that technology and software should have the human being at the center and that people should be involved in the design of the technology itself.

Alessandra, tell us a bit about your background and your projects so far.

First of all, I'd like to thank you for letting me be here. It is so great to be part of this community!

I have a Computer Engineering Degree and a Ph.D. in Systems and Computing Engineering. 

After my studies, I worked for more than 10 years in technical projects covering different topics from Internet and Network performance to Identity Management and Cyber Security.

In the last years, I've been focusing on human-centered technology. 

How did you get into this industry? Has it been an easy industry to get into or have you had many challenges?

It was sort of natural to get into the tech industry considering my studies. During my Ph.D., I was hired for an internship at IBM. That marked the beginning of my official career in tech.

What does your current job role entail?

A few years ago I founded AURES. I have always had a strong and innate passion for the human brain and human behavior. A passion that I never officially followed because of my studies and then my daily job seemed so far from it. In my spare time though I made sure to read and develop knowledge to better understand the human being. It was so fascinating!

Right before founding AURES, I realized that there was a gap where I could bring together my passion and my expertise. I realized that technology needed to be built with a more human-centered approach. Not just keeping in mind the field of application or the user as a general actor, but people as human beings. I then founded AURES to merge software and technology that support us, that make our life better.

What projects are you working on at the moment?

I'm working on a couple but the most exciting is the collaboration with MYBLUEPLANET. 

MYBLUEPLANET is a non-profit organization that develops innovative projects about climate protection. The collaboration is around the redesign and development of their App "Climate Actions". The goal is to help people change their behavior when it comes down to waste and climate. I'm leading the research phase at the moment. It is so interesting to learn how people relate to such an important topic like climate and sustainability in general and equally interesting to research how technology can support behavioral changes towards a more sustainable future.

How long did it take you to be where you are now?

In terms of years? I would say 15 :) In terms of personal development, a lot of work. I needed to learn how to let go of stereotypes to allow myself to simply be myself.

What was the biggest obstacle?

Maybe my own misconception that two fields that seem to be apparently so far away from each other cannot come together.  

What are your biggest achievements to date?

I am lucky to have many. I have traveled the world to give talks at conferences with rooms full of people I strongly admire (and also the amazing chance then to personally meet them and even collaborate with some of them.) I have been invited many times to give workshops to share my knowledge. Teaching is for me one of the most rewarding jobs. Today I lecture Information Systems at the Swiss Business School. Something I do with true pleasure also because I am constantly reminded that in order to teach you have to question anything, including what you believe you know the most. So you teach but at the same time, you are still a student somehow. 

What does the #WomenInTech movement mean to you? What are the challenges of being a woman in wearable tech / STEM?

It means a lot! On my first day of Engineering school, I entered a classroom with more than 100 students and I can assure you that not so many were female ones. Women have come a long way supporting each other, raising together to ask for more. We face different challenges in our careers and I would dare to say that it is not only in STEM or in tech. On so many fronts women are underpaid and get fewer opportunities than male colleagues. Together we are stronger and together we can achieve more. 

In your opinion, what will be the key trends in the tech industry in the next 5 years and where do you see it heading?

AI is not a new concept (quite the opposite!) but what we are seeing is the development of different nuances of the technology like embedded AI or generative AI and we will see more and more practical applications of it. We will also see more technologies that practice location independence and for sure we will see more people centricity which clearly makes me very happy. 

Who are your 3 inspirational women and/or businesses in tech and/or STEM?

The first one that comes to mind and the one that I admire most is Rita Levi Montalcini, an Italian neurobiologist that won the Nobel prize for her work. She grew up and studied in an era where there was no other option for a woman than staying at home to raise kids. She went to med school against her father's will and kept pushing her way against anything and anyone.

I always admired her intelligence and kindness. As an Italian child passionate about the human brain, as a teenager and eventually adult, it was always a pleasure to listen to her interviews on tv. It was very sad for me when she passed away in 2012. 

Grace Hopper is another one and then all the women in Women Of Wearables! This community is full of inspiring women with beautiful stories. Holding women that paved the way for us as inspiration is important, but supporting each other in the journey also plays a very important role.

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Find out more about AURES on their website, and connect with Alessandra on LinkedIn!

This interview was conducted by Marija Butkovic, Digital Marketing and PR strategist, founder, and CEO of Women of Wearables. She regularly writes and speaks on topics of wearable tech, fashion tech, IoT, entrepreneurship, and diversity. Follow Marija on Twitter @MarijaButkovic.

STEMMarija Butkovic