FERTI·LILY® is launching its second product - a clinically proven sperm-friendly lubricant

After the successful launch of the FERTI·LILY® Conception Cup in more than 26 countries, FERTI·LILY is now launching its second product to support natural fertility: the FERTI·LILY Conception Gel. 

Founded in 2018 FERTI·LILY is the innovative offspring of a collaboration between a medical entrepreneur, who experienced firsthand the frustrations of (not) conceiving, and one of Europe’s leading fertility specialists.

FERTI·LILY empowers couples who are consciously trying to conceive by providing them solutions that require no hormones, doctors, or invasive procedures, preserving the intimacy and excitement of this very special moment.

The FERTI·LILY Conception Gel can be used in combination with the FERTI·LILY Conception Cup which has been clinically proven to increase the chances of conception by 48% within 3 cycles.


FERTI·LILY Conception Gel

The FERTI·LILY Conception Gel has been developed to help couples trying to conceive by providing lubrication while being friendly to sperm survival.

Vaginal dryness occurs twice as much in couples trying to conceive than the general population[1] but unfortunately, standard lubricants available on the market are detrimental to sperm function and therefore could negatively affect fertility[2].

Conceived to relieve vaginal dryness and increase pleasure during intercourse, the FERTI·LILY Conception Gel has been clinically proven to be sperm-friendly. Unlike standard lubricants or even saliva, it does not create a barrier for sperm which can survive for longer than 24 hours while in contact with the Gel. 

How it works

The FERTI·LILY Conception Gel is isotonic[3], has a pH that is friendly to sperm survival, and mimics the properties of the fertile fluids. The Conception Gel also contains Fructose, a natural fruit sugar that gives sperm energy to swim through the cervix and to the egg. 

Find out more about FERTI·LILY on their website.

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[1] Ellington, J. "Prevalence of vaginal dryness in trying-to-conceive couples." Fertility and Sterility 79 (2003): 21-22.

[2] Steiner, Anne Z., et al. "Effect of vaginal lubricants on natural fertility." Obstetrics and gynaecology 120.1 (2012): 44.

[3]Isotonic means that the amount of salt and ions in our gel is similar to that of sperm. This is very important to ensure sperm survival. A lubricant that is not isotonic will harm the sperm cells and thus decrease the chances of pregnancy.