Who are the top 30 women in tech in Greater Manchester? feat. our ambassador Michelle Hua

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There are plenty of reasons to celebrate the great women working in the tech sector in Greater Manchester.

Not only do they prove that tech has equal opportunities but they are implementing necessary digital change to some of the region's biggest businesses as well as putting GM on the map.

These women are doing some seriously impressive work so it is about time to find out a little more about each of them and shout about how they are enriching the sector.

Working alongside executive search firm Laudale, Greater Manchester Business Week has identified 30 of the top female tech talent in Greater Manchester. Here is the list (in no particular order):



Michelle Hua is a public speaker, writer, funder and CEO of Made With Glove, a UK wearable tech start-up designing fashionable heated gloves for women based in Manchester.

She is also the Ambassador for the UK Tech Nation Visa and Manchester Ambassador for Women of Wearables, an organisation that supports, inspires and connects women in wearable tech, fashion tech, the IoT and AR/VR.

In 2016 Hua was the recipient of the UK TechNation Exceptional Talent Visa for her significant entrepreneurial contributions in the digital technology sector and her work in promoting, mentoring and supporting Women in Tech.


Read the whole story via Manchester Evening News.