Tech4Eva Roadshow - The Connection to the UK

Tech4Eva invites you to attend their free online event on October 6th, where you will be able to meet some of the key industry experts from the Swiss and UK Femtech ecosystem.

Join the event to connect with investors, experts, and leaders in the healthcare space to hear about growth and partnership strategies, founders’ stories, and investment opportunities to scale your start-up. You will also find out about the collaboration opportunities in this space, practical insights into building a successful Femtech company and hear pitches from Tech4Eva’s growth start-ups.

Globally, the Femtech market is estimated to be worth $50 billion by 2025, according to research firm Frost & Sullivan. Regionally, the industry is projected to be worth $3.8 billion by 2031, with a growth rate of 15% from 2021 to 2031, according to a report by FemTech Analytics.

And although the Femtech industry is booming with innovation and topics around women's health are leaving the realm of taboo, there are still many areas that haven’t been researched enough, haven’t received enough funding, or, simply, are still seen to be ‘niche’, such as endometriosis, PCOS, female mental health and neurodiversity, postpartum care, female cardiovascular health and many more.

During the first panel session “Answering the unmet needs in women’s health”, the discussion will focus on unmet needs in women's health that are yet to be answered and addressed through innovation and investment in the space, as well as the role of technology in addressing those needs.

The second panel discussion “Running a successful Femtech company” will focus on the three successful industry speakers on how they see the landscape evolving, what can we expect from the Femtech space in the near future, and how did their own journey in this industry look like.

Why attend:
-Learn about unmet needs in women's health
-Get insights about the ecosystem in the UK and what it takes to build a successful start-up
-Meet the innovative solutions of the Tech4Eva start-ups

Find out more about the agenda and the speakers here.

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