5 Skills AR Can Grow in Future Entrepreneurs, feat. our Dublin Ambassador Darya Yegorina


Last year, The World Economic Forum released their list of the ten skills you need to thrive in the fourth industrial revolution. The idea is to aim our focus forward, by way of skills, so we can be ready and capable to take on the future. Naturally, I wanted to look at technology and lay out how we can use the new technology coming our way, to advance these skills more efficiently.

Adding AR to Our Curriculum

The one thing schools should be equipping their students with, is advanced technology, and specifically AR. We all talk about this technology for adults, and how we can use it to make our lives better, but what about students? Didn't someone famous once say, "the children are our future?" Why reserve the good stuff for you and I, when we could be using it to grow efficient and capable future leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs?

Darya Yegorina, Founder of Cleverbooks spends her time traveling the world and attending events like the AR/VR Summit in Ireland, the Innovative Schools Summit in Atlanta, the Global Female Leaders Summit in Berlin, or the EdTech X London, where she talks about Emerging Technologies in Education. Luckily, I was able to catch up with her in-between all of that globe-trotting, because I knew she was the right person to offer a second opinion on how we could use AR for good.

Read the full story via Inc. magazine here